Monday 14 April 2014

What makes you lucky?

I've been thinking about luck and the concept of being lucky today. Someone said to me this morning, oh you've had a really bad luck.

But is what I've had luck?  Is anything in life down to luck, or to chance, or to control? It's an interesting concept to think through, I'm sure you could get extremely philosophical about the whole thing.

I've had bad things happen to me but then haven't we all? At some point in our lives we have looked up and gone, well that was crap. But then more often than not, life pushes us forward to ask the question, what next?

Take last week for instance, I was quite unwell for the majority of quite an important work assignment. Bad luck? Bad circumstances?
I was away from home,  I was away with a team that I unfortunately don't get to work with that often so I didn't feel as confident in raising my hand and saying I wasn't at my best and as I said, it was quite a big deal to the Senior Management that it went well.
Flip it on its head for a moment... I was away from home, well yes but it meant that I didn't have the usual worries of keeping my house running as well.  I was away with a different team, yes but I managed to reconnect with all of them who came to understand what was going on. We had a great week, aside from the fact I wasn't at my best and as usual, I was the one getting picked on!
Even with all the bad things, there were good things too! I had good friends on the job with me, meaning there were many moments where we burst into hysterical giggles and I realised exactly what I was doing all this for.

There are somethings that will just happen . Everything else is down to chance.

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